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How You Can Use Custom Promotional Gifts to Your Advantage

People love freebies, and giving out custom promotional gifts, if well harnessed, can have a great positive impact on your business. Organizations have been giving out gifts with their company logo christened on them. Socks, mugs, T-shirts, pens, backpacks, shopping bags, etc.

Promotional gifts are a leading marketing strategy. If done the right way, you will not only attract more customers but also boost sales while still captivating brand awareness and client loyalty. However, not all items befit promotional standards. Custom promotional gifts with proven success include:

  • Pens and notebooks.
  • Branded Christmas Chocolates
  • Calendars
  • Water bottles
  • T-shirts, and other wearables (hats, overalls, and bands)

How to Use Custom Promotional Gifts to Boost Your Business


The custom promotional gift should have your business name or logo on it. However, some clients would prefer a personalized gift to one with a logo. If you could replace the logo with the client’s name, it would appeal more to the customer. Random gifts given out with no specific customer in mind should, however, bear the logo to promote your business.

Environmental Targeting

Strive to gift people items they will find useful in their environment, and relevant in your line of business. If you run a clothing store, it will great if you gift customers with branded apparel. If you run a beauty shop, giving out branded cosmetics makes more sense, and will directly market your venture.

Go for Quality

Quality is king. Whether it’s a freebie, a custom gift or a product in your store, high quality pleases and retains clients. A customer will look forward to doing business with you if they received a high-quality gift from your firm. On the other hand, low-quality products and gifts alike will draw clients away from you.

Freedom of Choice

Create an assortment of the gifts you plan on giving out to clients, and let them choose a gift of their liking. This can be done, by ensuring that the gifts are in the same value margin, but in different forms. A water bottle may cost a dollar, just the same as a pair of socks. A customer may need a water bottle more especially during the summer, or a pair of socks during winter.

Giving promotional gifts will strategically place your business on the benefitting end. You give out something, which markets your firm, brings in more clients, and lays a basis for communication with your prospects. A custom promotional gift, which the client chose for themselves will give them enough reasons to refer their friends and family to your store. Remember to reward them for the referrals too.